Professional Premium Aluminum Oxide Products Supplier
Aluminum oxide grit is a popular abrasive media choice for blast treatment and surface preparation. It has a hardness of just below diamond on the Mohs Hardness Scale, which means that it spends most of its impact energy on removing contaminants rather than breaking them up.
It is a highly efficient and robust abrasive, which can be used to remove heavy debris from a wide range of industrial components including steel and stainless steel. It is also an effective choice for blast cleaning of parts that are to be treated with paint, powder coating or epoxy.
This abrasive is available in a variety of different grits and sizes, including coarse, medium and fine. The coarser grits are generally best for wood stock removal and metal stock removal, while the finer grits are good for polishing and finishing applications.
Choosing the right abrasive for your project is crucial. There are many aspects to consider, such as the hardness of the substrate, the grits you will be using (rough vs. fine) and whether you are working wet or dry.
Typically, we recommend using a virgin brown aluminum oxide grit that contains less than 1.5% free silica. This grit is safe to use and cuts much faster than sand, leaving a smoother surface. The grit size you choose will depend on the surface profile you are trying to achieve on your substrate, as well as the thickness of the coating or finish being removed.